Rugged Gospel Trail Blogs

How does your garden grow?

If the truth were told, many gardens scheduled for landscaping are a shambles; they are weed-infested overgrown plots of neglected terrain.  Sometimes the only comfort is found by peeking over the neighbour’s wall!  From a designer's perspective, it's a real pleasure to help a client see the potential beauty of a garden when all he can see is a mess.  Indeed, looking beyond the present reality to what "could be" sums up the most significant job of the landscaper before any visual progress is ever made.

If God did a tour of our lives today, what would he see?
Yes, He notices the debris, the pain and the ugly growths but He also pictures our potential; He knows what we can become. You see God also is in the transformation business.  Interestingly, what often seems like a liability such as a sloping site, an unsightly oil tank or an out of place tree, with the designer's experience can be exploited to captivating heights of splendour!  Similarly, God understands all of our idiosyncrasies, our
strengths, weakness and our personality traits and is able to weave them into a beautiful design. Variety is the spice of life; like the assortment in the plant world, the diversity of human make-up is staggering.  God doesn't create clones; he shapes unique people who are special in his sight.  He infuses us with God-given purpose and significance if we allow Him!

What do you see when you look at yourself?
In just the same way that you stare at the long grass, the weed-ridden flowerbeds or the overgrown paradise in your garden, have you ever stopped to look deep within yourself?  Do you like what you see?  Often we get caught up in bad habits, hurtful actions and selfish attitudes.  If we are honest, we know them to be ugly.  Yet it was this unattractiveness that Jesus came at great cost to remove.  God demonstrated his commitment to remove our wrongdoing and give us a new start by his intervention into history.  When Jesus died on the cross, he paid for all our rebellion against God and by his resurrection power he offers a restoration plan.

The finished article
As final drawings are thrashed about with a client, there is inevitably discussion of likes and dislikes and particular requirements that must be incorporated.  These often include washing lines, oil tanks, borrowed landscapes and other features that the client wants to keep hold of, however, a gardener's greatest delight is to be offered a free hand, with no constraints.  This unconditional approach encourages the creative juices to flow to the maximum.
When we sit and talk with God, do we limit or constrain his involvement in our lives?  If you allowed God to operate in your life, would you attach strings?  Do we come to God as an empty garden placed in the craftsman’s hands?
There is a verse in the Bible (Ephesians 2:10) that says those who admit their need of help, have been made alive by God through faith in Him - are his masterpieces' or his handiwork!
Hold that thought, you and I in the master's hands, shaping and moulding us, removing the weeds, erasing the harmful tendencies, healing the broken pieces and restoring good character.  It is revolutionary to realise that God wants to craft whole, free and vibrant lives!  Just as gardens need professional help, we require the touch of our Maker; life is truly animated only with God at the centre and with a free hand!  Ask Him today for restoration!
Do you long for change?  Then you must allow God to work his artistic genius in your life!

Matt Tuttlebee, former Landscape Gardener.

Breath-taking Beauty along the Trail

As you journey along the Wild Atlantic Way – whether its exploring the haven coast, the southern peninsulas, the cliff coast, the bay coast, the surf coast or the northern headlands – one thing is certain, moments of outstanding beauty will captivate if our senses are open.  There are numerous viewing points, lay-bys and car parks so the pilgrim may take stock and enjoy the spectacular panoramic sights that punctuate our great coastline.  Travelling this tourist paradise is never on motorways in case the beauty be ignored but the journey is slow and deliberate to enhance the experience!
Exploration of the Rugged Gospel Trail similarly calls for a slow deliberate pace allowing for plenty of pauses for reflection.  There will be moments of breath-taking beauty to see and savour as we travel life’s journey along the Rugged Gospel Trail.  As we travel the ups of life’s joyous mountain trails and depths of the sorrow’s valleys if we slow down to pause we may catch a glimpse of the God who offers to accompany us!  Just as one turns around a mountain pass to discover a delightful vista and stunning sun-drenched view, so these glimpses of God in his greatness will delight our hearts and fill our horizon if we care to glance expectantly!  Perhaps our biggest enemy is being in such a hurry, in so doing we risk missing the beauty all around us and in particular the God who whispers our name to come to Him!  The sheep on the hill in Malin Beg is perhaps on the lookout for Jesus – the Good Shepherd, who calls us personally, who knows us intimately and loves us extravagantly.  That same Good Shepherd lay-down his life for you and me (John 10) – what wonder to behold such selflessness, what beauty to gaze at the cross of shame and marvel at the new life offered and the fresh splendorous views of a God long hidden!  The grandeur of Gods greatness from far off is longing to be seen from the close vantage point of being carried in his loving arms!  Don’t miss the God who will take your breath away!

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